Uncategorized 04 Jun 2023 How Iran is destroying its once thriving environmental movement The Iranian environmental movement largely owes its existence to one man: Eskandar Firouz, a charismatic aristocrat and big game hunter. admin
Uncategorized 04 Jun 2023 The environmental limitations and future of the Asiatic cheetah in Iran In 1997, Hormoz Asadi located less than 100 Asiatic Cheetahs in Iran in the report for UNDP Cat Specialist Group.About… admin
Uncategorized 04 Jun 2023 Ecology and conservation of the Asiatic cheetah in Miandasht Mohammad Farhadinia This project and article was dedicated to our beloved, cheetah, Marita! In this 2007 article, Dr. Mohammad S.Farhadinia documents the… admin